Our team published an Open Access paper in Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth entitled “Limited Earthquake Interaction During a Geothermal Hydraulic Stimulation in Helsinki, Finland”. In the manuscript we investigate anthropogenic seismicity associated with fluid injection into the 5.8…
Patricia Martínez-Garzón and I published a manuscript entitled “Induced earthquake potential in geothermal reservoirs: Insights from The Geysers, California” in The Leading Edge. The article provides an exciting overview of our past research on induced seismicity associated with the biggest…
I added the new page dedicated to our involvement in the St1 Deep Heat project in Espoo, Helsinki. The page describes the successful hydraulic stimulation campaign performed in 2018 in the World-deepest geothermal well, the microseimic monitoring and the traffic…
I co-authored a paper published recently in Journal of Seismology and entitled “Design and implementation of a traffic light system for deep geothermal well stimulation in Finland” by Thomas Ader et al.. This is a second manuscript related to the…