Another paper! This time we discuss the influence of temporal changes in pore pressure on the results of stress tensor inversion from focal mechanisms, with the special focus on stress shape ratio coefficient. There is also a neat presentation of…
We published a paper entitled “Detailed analysis of spatiotemporal variations of the stress field orientation along the Izmit-Düzce rupture in NW Turkey from inversion of first-motion polarity data” in Geophysical Journal International. The reference: Ickrath, M., Bohnhoff, M., Dresen, G.,…
Finally, our paper on stress tensor inversion package MSATSI has been published in the recent issue of Seismological Research Letters! The package has an official page at MSATSI website at GFZ (short version), but the extensive documentation and multiple examples…
Another paper has been published in EAGE’s First Break journal. This time we presented the outcome of two studies related to analysis of induced seismicity at Berlin Geothermal Field, El Salvador and The Geysers geothermal field in USA. The paper…