Finally, the paper entitled “Theoretical limits on detection and analysis of small earthquakes” has been published in Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. In this paper we investigate theoretical limits on detection and reliable estimates of source characteristics of small…
Finally, the paper on hybridMT MATLAB/shell environment package for seismic moment tensor inversion and refinement is out! The paper, published in Seismological Research Letters – Electronic Seismologist is freely available for download: [wpfilebase tag=file id=37 tpl=reference /]
Together with Rebecca Harrington (McGill University in Montreal) and Seth Moran (USGS) we published a paper in Journal of Geophysical Research. The paper is related to analysis of seismic data from Mt. St. Helens and discusses predominantly the scaling relations…
Finally, the paper on seismic moment tensors and b-values calculated for acoustic emissions has been published in Geophysical Research Letters. Here is the link and reference to the paper: Kwiatek, G., Goebel, T., and G. Dresen (2014). Seismic moment tensor…