A member of my working group, Carolin Boese, published in Solid Earth the first paper related to analysis of acoustic emission data recorded during a series hydraulic testing experiments performed within STIMTEC project in Reiche Zeche underground laboratory. The paper…
Patricia Martinez-Garzon published a paper in Seismological Research Letters entitled “Near‐Fault Monitoring Reveals Combined Seismic and Slow Activation of a Fault Branch within the Istanbul–Marmara Seismic Gap in Northwest Turkey”. Reference: P. Martínez‐Garzón et al., ‘Near‐Fault Monitoring Reveals Combined Seismic…
Just before Christmas last year we published a paper in Scientific Reports entitled “Spatial and temporal multiplet analysis for identification of dominant fluid migration path at The Geysers geothermal field, California” on our observations of repeating earthquakes observed in induced…
Amandine Amemoutou, PhD student in our section, published her first study on analysis of seismic moment tensors and stress tensors from induced seismicity associated with wastewater injection in Southern Kansas, US. The paper has been published in recent issue of…