Using Acoustic Emission data from triaxial fracture experiments performed in our laboratory on Westerly Granite samples, Andrew Patton published a paper in Physical Rewiew E entitled “Large-scale heterogeneities can alter the characteristics of compressive failure and accelerated seismic release”. The…
Simon published a paper in Journal of Geophysical Research, Solid Earth entitled “Preparatory Slip in Laboratory Faults: Effects of Roughness and Load Point Velocity”. Simon’s paper presents outcomes of displacement-rate controlled friction experiments on roughened sawcut granite samples with different…
Pamela Roselli published a paper entitled “Source mechanisms and induced seismicity in the Val d’Agri Basin (Italy)” in Geophysical Journal International. Pamela presents the results of a fully unconstrained moment tensor inversion of induced seismic events in a highly seismically…
Joanna Holmgren (U. Bristol), me, and Max Werner (U. Bristol) published a study related to analysis of induced seismicity associated with 2018 hydraulic stimulation campaign performed within St1 Deep Heat project in Helsinki, Finland: “Nonsystematic Rupture Directivity of Geothermal Energy…