Jinlin Li from Section 4.8 of GFZ Potsdam published a paper in Geophysical Research Letters entitled “High-Rate Fluid Injection Reduces the Nucleation Length of Laboratory Earthquakes on Critically Stressed Faults in Granite”. The paper is published as Open Access article.…
Valerian Schuster and lab folks (including me) published a paper on frictional behavior and strain partitioning of Opalinus clay during fault reactivation. The paper have been published recently as Open Access article in the Journal of Rock Mechanics and Rock…
Our team published an Open Access paper in Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth entitled “Limited Earthquake Interaction During a Geothermal Hydraulic Stimulation in Helsinki, Finland”. In the manuscript we investigate anthropogenic seismicity associated with fluid injection into the 5.8…
Virginie Durand published, with our support, a paper in EPSL entitled “Deciphering aseismic deformation along submarine fault branches below the eastern Sea of Marmara (Turkey): Insights from seismicity, strainmeter, and GNSS data”. She combines GNSS data, strainmeter data and seismological…