Finally we published a paper related to investigation of seismic moment tensors of microseismic events at The Geysers geothermal field. Reference Martínez-Garzón, P., Kwiatek, G., Bohnhoff, M., and G. Dresen (2017). Volumetric components in the earthquake source related to fluid…
Finally, the paper on hybridMT MATLAB/shell environment package for seismic moment tensor inversion and refinement is out! The paper, published in Seismological Research Letters – Electronic Seismologist is freely available for download: [wpfilebase tag=file id=37 tpl=reference /]
We have published a paper related to the analysis of seismic moment tensors of acoustic emission data with a special focus on effects of rock anisotropy on resulting moment tensors. Stierle, E., V. Vavryčuk, G. Kwiatek, E.-M. Charalampidou, and M.…
Finally, the paper on seismic moment tensors and b-values calculated for acoustic emissions has been published in Geophysical Research Letters. Here is the link and reference to the paper: Kwiatek, G., Goebel, T., and G. Dresen (2014). Seismic moment tensor…