We recently published a paper entitled “Seismic Moment Evolution During Hydraulic Stimulations” in Geophysical Research Letters. In the paper we analyze the magnitude and seismic moment evolution with injection parameters for prominent geothermal and scientific projects to date. In most…
I added a new page to the website presenting the fastloc.REEL-AI software package that I was developing in the last few years for fastloc GmbH company. The software package performs near-realtime AI-aided analysis of induced seismicity using online waveform data…
I co-authored a paper published recently in Journal of Seismology and entitled “Design and implementation of a traffic light system for deep geothermal well stimulation in Finland” by Thomas Ader et al.. This is a second manuscript related to the…
The paper entitled “Analysis of Microseismicity Framing ML>2.5 Earthquakes at The Geysers Geothermal Field, California” by Stephan Bentz from our Section has been finally published in Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. This is another paper related to the analysis…