Together with Iason Grigoratos and Stefan Wiemer from ETH Zurich we published a manuscript in Seismological Research Letters entitled “Variability of Seismicity Rates and Maximum Magnitude for Adjacent Hydraulic Stimulations“. In the paper we analyzed seismicity rates and predicted the…
Audrey Bonnelye and others (including myself) published a manuscript on a new project in Underground Laboratory in Tournemire (France). The CHENILLE project’s overarching goal is to gain a better understanding of the physical processes brought on by thermal and hydraulic…
Aglaja Blanke published a paper in Geophysical Journal International entitled “Meter-scale damage zone characterisation using S-coda waves from active ultrasonic transmission measurements in the STIMTEC project, URL Reiche Zeche, Germany”. The paper deals with high-frequency Coda-Q analysis of the rock…
I co-authored a paper published recently in Journal of Seismology and entitled “Design and implementation of a traffic light system for deep geothermal well stimulation in Finland” by Thomas Ader et al.. This is a second manuscript related to the…