Together with Iason Grigoratos and Stefan Wiemer from ETH Zurich we published a manuscript in Seismological Research Letters entitled “Variability of Seismicity Rates and Maximum Magnitude for Adjacent Hydraulic Stimulations“. In the paper we analyzed seismicity rates and predicted the…
Aglaja Blanke published a paper in Geophysical Journal International entitled “Meter-scale damage zone characterisation using S-coda waves from active ultrasonic transmission measurements in the STIMTEC project, URL Reiche Zeche, Germany”. The paper deals with high-frequency Coda-Q analysis of the rock…
I co-authored a paper published recently in Journal of Seismology and entitled “Design and implementation of a traffic light system for deep geothermal well stimulation in Finland” by Thomas Ader et al.. This is a second manuscript related to the…
I added two presentations from SSA Meeting in Reno in 2016, and recent EUROCK conference in Ostrava last year. [wpdm_package id=’2831′ template=’5a59e8be490d1′] [wpdm_package id=’2828′ template=’5a59e8be490d1′]