Simon published a paper in Journal of Geophysical Research, Solid Earth entitled “Preparatory Slip in Laboratory Faults: Effects of Roughness and Load Point Velocity”. Simon’s paper presents outcomes of displacement-rate controlled friction experiments on roughened sawcut granite samples with different…
Audrey Bonnelye and others (including myself) published a manuscript on a new project in Underground Laboratory in Tournemire (France). The CHENILLE project’s overarching goal is to gain a better understanding of the physical processes brought on by thermal and hydraulic…
Aglaja Blanke published a paper in Geophysical Journal International entitled “Meter-scale damage zone characterisation using S-coda waves from active ultrasonic transmission measurements in the STIMTEC project, URL Reiche Zeche, Germany”. The paper deals with high-frequency Coda-Q analysis of the rock…
Jinlin Li from Section 4.8 of GFZ Potsdam published a paper in Geophysical Research Letters entitled “High-Rate Fluid Injection Reduces the Nucleation Length of Laboratory Earthquakes on Critically Stressed Faults in Granite”. The paper is published as Open Access article.…