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RISK is a computer program for Microsoft Windows (presumably version not newer than Windows 7) that I created for “Rudna” copper mine in a frame of my MSc dissertation. The application use seismic catalog data to perform the parametric and non-parametric seismic hazard assessment following the methodology presented in Lasocki et al. (2002). This methodology allows to provide quick and reliable information on seismic hazard in the mine.

The following quantities can be calculated using the catalog data containing earthquake locations and magnitudes:

  • Seismic hazard
  • Mean return period
  • Changes of seismic hazard and mean return period in time
  • Changes of seismic hazard and mean return period as a function of magnitude
  • Probability density function of magnitude distribution as well as the cumulative distribution function
  • Changes in Gutenberg-Richter b-value as a function of time

These characteristics can be calculating using both a parametric and non-parametric distribution of magnitude.

Other characteristics include:

  • Seismic activity changes
  • Cumulative seismic energy release
  • Spatial distribution of seismic events

The application uses dBase files (dbf) to read catalog data. However, the data can be also imported from ASCII files.

Download and support

Program is NOT actively developed, and I am not providing any support for it. If you want, you can download the application using the link below.

Windows application for parametric and non-parametric seismic hazard assessment.

File size: 12.8 MB | File version: 2.10.1 | Downloaded: 274


Lasocki, S., Kijko, A. and Graham, G. (2002) Model-free Seismic Hazard Analysis. In: Seismogenic Process Monitoring. (eds. H. Ogasawara, T. Yanagidani, and M. Ando). Balkema, Lisse, pp. 327-339.