Carolin Boese published a paper entitled “Performance Evaluation of AE Sensors Installed Like Hydrophones in Adaptive Monitoring Networks During a Decametre‑Scale Hydraulic Stimulation Experiment“. The contribution has been accepted for Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering journal. To determine the AE…
Simon published a paper in Journal of Geophysical Research, Solid Earth entitled “Preparatory Slip in Laboratory Faults: Effects of Roughness and Load Point Velocity”. Simon’s paper presents outcomes of displacement-rate controlled friction experiments on roughened sawcut granite samples with different…
Pamela Roselli published a paper entitled “Source mechanisms and induced seismicity in the Val d’Agri Basin (Italy)” in Geophysical Journal International. Pamela presents the results of a fully unconstrained moment tensor inversion of induced seismic events in a highly seismically…
I updated the hybridMT moment tensor inversion and refinement package to version 1.6.2. The corrections include some fixes to the MATLAB documentation. The focimt application have been updated as well and it now handles up to 256 channels.