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Induced seismicity and ground deformation in Blue Mountain (Nevada) geothermal site

I happily contributed to the great study of Roshan Koirala, the PhD student of Thomas Goebel (U. Memphis), which just have been published in Earth and Planetary Science Letter. The paper discusses short-term and long-term deformation related to geothermal operations in Blue Mountain, Nevada with poroelastic stress changes and and localized major fault slip, respectively. If you are interested, just read the manuscript – it is open-access!


Koirala, R., G. Kwiatek, M. Shirzaei, E. Brodsky, T. Cladouhos, M. Swyer, and T. Goebel (2024). Induced seismicity and surface deformation associated with long-term and abrupt geothermal operations in Blue Mountain, Nevada, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 643, 118883, DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2024.118883. [ Article Page ] [ Download open-access article ]

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