Finally, our new paper “Controlling fluid-induced seismicity during a 6.1-km-deep geothermal stimulation in Finland”, published on May 1st in Science Advances, is out! In the study we report on a successful attempt to control induced seismicity during the deepest-ever hydraulic…
The Geysers represents a unique site for analysis of induced seismicity. This vapor-dominated geothermal field is located about 120 km north of San Francisco where the geothermal power production is performed for more than 50 years. Currently, The Geysers is…
I added a page dedicated to rpgen.m routine. RPGEN.m calculates P-wave, S-wave, SH-wave and SV-wave radiation pattern using shear-tensile source model. Original, it is a part of my paper “Assessment of P and S wave energy radiated from very small…