Today I asked ChatGPT: “Write a short poem on earthquakes”. The results is quite astonishing. Amazing technology! The ground beneath our feet Is usually so stable and secure But when the earth starts to move It can be quite a…
Jinlin Li from Section 4.8 of GFZ Potsdam published a paper in Geophysical Research Letters entitled “High-Rate Fluid Injection Reduces the Nucleation Length of Laboratory Earthquakes on Critically Stressed Faults in Granite”. The paper is published as Open Access article.…
Finally, our paper on stress tensor inversion package MSATSI has been published in the recent issue of Seismological Research Letters! The package has an official page at MSATSI website at GFZ (short version), but the extensive documentation and multiple examples…
I would like to draw your attention to the following session at EGU 2012 in Vienna and invite you to submit an abstract: SM2.4/TS8.6 Earthquake source processes and scaling relations . The session is conveyed by myself and Rebecca Harrington…