Our team published an Open Access paper in Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth entitled “Limited Earthquake Interaction During a Geothermal Hydraulic Stimulation in Helsinki, Finland”. In the manuscript we investigate anthropogenic seismicity associated with fluid injection into the 5.8…
Virginie Durand published, with our support, a paper in EPSL entitled “Deciphering aseismic deformation along submarine fault branches below the eastern Sea of Marmara (Turkey): Insights from seismicity, strainmeter, and GNSS data”. She combines GNSS data, strainmeter data and seismological…
A member of my working group, Carolin Boese, published in Solid Earth the first paper related to analysis of acoustic emission data recorded during a series hydraulic testing experiments performed within STIMTEC project in Reiche Zeche underground laboratory. The paper…
Patricia Martinez-Garzon published a paper in Seismological Research Letters entitled “Near‐Fault Monitoring Reveals Combined Seismic and Slow Activation of a Fault Branch within the Istanbul–Marmara Seismic Gap in Northwest Turkey”. Reference: P. Martínez‐Garzón et al., ‘Near‐Fault Monitoring Reveals Combined Seismic…